
李 浪

姓名:李 浪





























[1]L Li, L Shi, QY Wang, YJ Liu, JF Dong, H Zhang, GM Zhang. A review on the recovery of fire-damaged concrete with post-fire-curing. Construction and Building Materials, 2020, 237: 117564.

[2]L Li,HZhang,JF Dong, HE Zhang, P Jia, QY Wang, YJ Liu, Recovery of mortar-aggregate interface of fire-damaged concrete after post-fire curing. Computers and Concrete, 2019,24(3): 249-258.

[3]L Li,QY Wang, GM Zhang, L Shi, JF Dong, P Jia, A method of detecting the cracks of concrete undergo high-temperature. Construction and Building Materials, 2018, 162: 345-358.

[4]L Li, P Jia, JF Dong, L Shi, GM Zhang, QY Wang. Effects of cement dosage and cooling regimes on the compressive strength of concrete after post-fire-curing from 800 °C. Construction and Building Materials, 2017, 142: 208-220.

[5] YH Pu,L Li,QY Wang,XS Shi, L Fu, GM Zhang, CC Luan, AE Abomohra. Accelerated carbonation treatment of recycled concrete aggregates using flue gas: A comparative study towards performance improvement. Journal of CO2Utilization, 2020, 43: 101362.

[6] YH Pu,L Li,QY Wang,XS Shi,, CC Luan, GMZhang, AE Abomohra. Accelerated carbonation technology for enhanced treatment of recycled concrete aggregates: A state-of-the-art review. Construction and Building Materials, 2021, 282:122671.

[7] HE Zhang,L Li,Y Cheng, QY Wang, PK Sarker, XS Shi. Deterioration of ambient-cured and heat-cured fly ash geopolymer concrete by high temperature exposure and prediction of its residual compressive strength. Construction and Building Materials, 2020, 262: 120924

[8] P Jia,L Li,JF Dong, QY Wang, ZW Guan. Determination of the crack initiation stress, elastic modulus and ultimate crack length in TPBT concrete beams based on shear deformation theory. Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 2019, 220:106572.

[9] HE Zhang,L Li,PK Sarker, T Long, XSShi, QY Wang, GC Cai. Investigating Various Factors Affecting the Long-Term Compressive Strength of Heat-Cured Fly Ash Geopolymer Concrete and the Use of Orthogonal Experimental Design Method. International Journal ofConcrete Structure and Materials, 2019, 13: 63

[10] HE Zhang,L Li,T Long, PKSarker, XS Shi, GC Cai, QY Wang. The Effect of Ordinary Portland Cement Substitution on the Thermal Stability of Geopolymer Concrete. Materials, 2019, 12(6): 2501

[11] Y Chen, FL Liu, C He,L Li,C Wang, YJ Liu, QY Wang. Effect of ultrasonic peening treatment on the fatigue behaviors of a magnesium alloy up to very high cycle regime. Journal of Magnesium and Alloys, 2021.

[12] H Zhang, PD Li, XF Gong, TJ Wang,L Li, YJ Liu, QY Wang. Tensile properties, strain rate sensitivity and failure mechanism of single crystal superalloys CMSX-4, Materials Science and Engineering A, 2020, 782:139105

[13] YJ Liu, Y Chen, C He, FL Liu, K Yang,L Li,H Zhang, C Wang, QY Wang. Vacuum retarding and air accelerating effect on the high-cycle and very-high-cycle fatigue behavior of a ZK60 magnesium alloy. Materials & Design, 2021, 198:109310.

[14] HZ Li, H Chen, LY Xu, QY Wang, YJ Liu, Y Chen,L Li,H Zhang, CHe. A creep damage model for low cycle fatigue based on the equivalent creep stress: Establishment, verification and application. Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 2021, 256:107899.

[15] FL Liu, Y Chen, C He, C Wang,L Li,YJLiu,QY Wang. Very long life fatigue failure mechanism of electron beam welded joint for titanium alloy at elevated temperature. International Journal of Fatigue. 2021, 152: 106446.

[16] FL Liu, Y Chen, C He,L Li,C Wang, HZ Li, H Zhang, QY Wang, YJ Liu. Tensile and very high cycle fatigue behaviors of a compressor blade titanium alloy at room and high temperatures. Materials Science and Engineering A, 2021, 811: 141049.

[17] QY Wang, Y Chen, YJ Liu, C Wang,L Li, C He, XF Gong, TJ Wang, W Zhang, QY Wang, HZhang. The Effect of Stress Ratios on the Very High Cycle Fatigue Behavior of 9%Cr Turbine Steel at 630 °C. Materials, 2020, 13: 3444.

[18] QY Wang, QY Wang, XF Gong, TJ Wang, W Zhang,L Li,YJ Liu, C He, C Wang, H Zhang. A comparative study of low cycle fatigue behavior and microstructure of Cr-based steel at room and high temperatures. Materials & Design, 2020, 195: 109000.





性别 出生年月 1988-07
学位 工学博士 职称 副教授、硕士生导师
联系电话 电子邮箱 lilang@scu.edu.cn
传真 通讯地址 成都市一环路南一段24号
邮编 610065